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DIY Baby Bowling in Four Easy Steps

baby bowling in four easy steps

While I’m working on my next infographic (stay tuned!) I thought I’d do a post or two on some of the fun DIY activities we’ve been doing. Lately, my baby is loving rolling balls and knocking over blocks. So I thought it would be fun to do some baby bowling where he can roll the ball and watch the ‘pins’ fall! 

So here’s what I did to set up Baby Bowling in Four Easy Steps! 

1. Gather supplies. You'll need
  • 10 toilet paper rolls - I rescued these from our recycling but you could use paper towel rolls or big plastic bottles if you wanted something a little bigger 
  • 4 throw pillows - I used these to create the bowling lane but you could use shoe boxes, cardboard, furniture, really anything just to keep the ball in line with the pins!
  • 1 ball that baby can roll
  • Decorating supplies (optional) - this is just for fun! Your baby won’t mind either way 

 2. Decorate (optional) I wanted to make the ‘pins’ look a bit more like bowling pins so I did a little decorating! It's definitely not perfect, but it was still fun!

baby bowling step two

3. Set up the Bowling Lane. Place the items you’re using to create the lane in two straight lines. For me, I used pillows (backed by something a bit harder like a plastic box) so I set them up with a bit of space between the two lines. Then place your ‘pins’ at one end of the two lines and the ball (and baby) go at the other end. 

baby bowling step three

4. Get bowling! Encourage baby to roll the ball down the lane. It may take a few tries for them to get the hang of it. If your lane is too long and baby can’t roll the ball the distance just make the lane a little shorter or have them chase the ball down :) No matter what, have lots of fun! 

baby bowling step four

Thanks for reading. I would love to know if you tried this with your children in the comments below! Check out my Instagram for more activities and hit subscribe if you’d like to get updates as I post. ☺️
