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God Sees the Ordinary

Thanks for reading along! I hope this encourages you in some way.


Genesis 16:13 “She gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: ‘You are the God who sees me,’ for she said, ‘I have now seen the One who sees me.” The same God who saw Hagar in the midst of her troubles with Abram and Sarai also sees you and me in our day-to-day. 

I’ve been thinking lately about how as a parent it’s easy to feel unnoticed. There are endless sacrifices, to-do items and more that we are juggling which are usually pretty thankless tasks. It’s so easy to feel unseen. A few weeks ago we had a few things going on and it turned into a very busy week. One of the nights I was making dinner with my toddler glued to my leg and feeling a bit frustrated that no one was helping or even seemed to notice my need for help. I looked outside and there was the most beautiful sunset and in that moment it just felt like God said, “I see you.” And that tiny moment was so reassuring. 

Psalm 33:18 says “But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, on whose hope is in his unfailing love.” The Psalmist is singing a song of praise to God which is largely about God’s faithfulness. In this verse, he’s referencing the love God has for His children and how He sees and knows us. 

God loves to watch over us. In the same way that my eyes are always on my toddler, knowing where he is and what he’s doing (or at least should be doing :p), God’s eyes are lovingly watching over us as His children. He sees it all and cares so deeply for us no matter how trivial the task may seem or what does or doesn’t get done. He sees you, momma! 

Have you noticed God’s eyes on you before? Him seeing you in the mundane when you’re feeling unseen? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below!
