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No Comparison, You're Amazing!

It can be so easy to compare ourselves to others. I am so guilty of this on a daily basis whether it be comparing what I’m doing to my friends or the random momma in the shop! We also have access to so many people’s lives through social media which can make the comparison game even more depressing.

I remember early on when my son was a little baby a number of my friends were doing sensory classes with their little ones. I was more interested in catching up with my friends with littles when we went out and doing sensory activities at home, but I did feel a little bad, like maybe my son was missing out! Well, one day one of our friends couldn’t attend her baby sensory session and she graciously offered to let us take her spot and try it out! We went and my son fell asleep during the session with streamers waving in his face and music blaring in the background! It was so funny. In that moment I realized I didn’t need to feel bad about not taking my son to sensory classes because it wasn’t quite the right fit for us. It also helped me realize that I didn’t need to compare myself to other new mommas, but instead just needed to focus on what worked best for my child and me. (Definitely not bagging sensory classes though because they are amazing and much more of an experience than what I can provide at home!) 

Here’s the truth. There is no comparison, we are each uniquely and wonderfully made! Psalm 139:14 says “I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it well.” You are amazing momma simply because God created you to be who you are! 


God loves you for you, not because of anything you’ve done or achieved, but because He made you fearfully and wonderfully. He created you to parent uniquely as you do, and while there’s always something to learn, your personality, which influences your parenting style, is an amazing gift to your child. So there is no need to compare because you are created by design to be you. God loves when we operate in the way He designed us. 

I know for myself, I’m people-oriented. My son has met so many people in his short life and he now waves to just about everyone we pass while doing errands! At some point I know we’ll have to teach him about stranger-danger, but for now, I love seeing how my lean towards friendliness towards others has influenced him and brought out his friendly and joyous side. 

What’s something unique about you that comes through in your parenting and you can see in your child? Would love to hear your thoughts and comments below!
