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Showing posts from October, 2019

Pop-Out Animals | Baby DIY Activity

Baby has been loving opening anything and everything! So I thought it would be fun to create little animals that would pop-out when my little opened a little box. He definitely enjoyed opening the boxes and seeing the animal inside! Here’s how I did it.  1. Gather supplies For this activity, you’ll need:  a box or two with a lid that opens and shuts. I used two cute stationery boxes we had left from baby shower thank you cards. paper pencil/pen scissors tape  2. Draw the animals  I am an absolutely terrible drawer so I’ll tell you my secret! There are a ton of drawing videos on YouTube that will walk you through how to draw cute animals! I chose these 2 videos and used a pencil. My drawings came out alright. Just don’t look too closely at the lines!  How to Draw a Cute Elephant - Easy Pictures to Draw How to Draw a Lion | Lion Head Easy Draw Tutorial You could also color in the animal if you wanted!  3. Create the pop-out I did this by cuttin

Nine Baby Hand Games

My little one loves hand games and songs! They're easy and convenient for me as they only require my hands. So it's a win-win for both of us. I thought I'd put together a quick list of our tops choices along with the lyrics and motions for each song so you can try them too if you like :). 1. Itsy Bitsy Spider This song has been my little one's favorite since he was about 2 months old! He loves watching me do the motions. Song Lyrics The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout  (place the index finger of one hand to the thumb of other hand and vice-versa, rotate one finger and thumb pair upwards to meet again and then rotate the other pair up and repeat to imitate spider climbing) Down came the rain ( flutter fingers and bring hands down in rain motion) And washed the spider out (move hands away from each other in a wiping motion) Out came the sun and dried up all the rain (raise both hands and move back and forth) And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the

Four Fun Baby Toe Rhymes

Toe rhymes are a wonderful way to interact with your little one from even the youngest of ages! When my little one was only six weeks old we started going to a little music class and these were some of the first rhymes I did with him. He loved them! I've included some of the actions as well in parentheses.  1. Shoe a Little Horse This is a great song for even the tiniest of babies as it is very relaxed. Lyrics Shoe a little horse (tap baby's right foot three times) Shoe a little mare (tap baby's left foot three times) With a tap-tap here  (tap baby's right foot three times) And a tap-tap there  (tap baby's left foot three times) But let the little horse go bare bare bare (rub both of baby's feet in a circular motion with your thumb) 2. This Little Piggy This is a classic! You can't have a list of baby toe rhymes without including 'This Little Piggy!' Lyrics This little piggy went to market (wiggle baby's big toe) This

Baby Rugby | Easy DIY Activity

Happy Rugby World Cup Semi-Finals Weekend! To celebrate we decided that we would play some baby rugby this weekend!  Baby is loving rolling balls and enjoys 'rugby tackles' (aka nudges) from dad, so I thought this activity would be fun for the whole family. As an American, I'm fairly new to rugby so if you are like me and are fairly new to rugby here's a fun video by How to Dad to get you more familiar with the game! Read on to see how to create baby rugby. 1. Gather supplies For this activity, you'll need  Paper Towel and/or Toilet Paper Rolls (rescued from recycling) Paint & Paint Brush (optional) Tape or Glue Small Rugby Ball (or any other type of ball really) All Blacks Rubber Duck (Just for fun! How cute is it??) 2. Build your rugby post I built my rugby post with two old paper towel rolls. I opted to paint all the old rolls white first, but that is completely optional as your little one won't mind what color the posts are! 

Baby Bottle Activity Fun!

Looking for a quick, easy, low-cost activity you can put together for your baby to keep them occupied while you get a couple things done around the house? Then this one's for you!  I had heard about this activity from several different people after my little was born, but never got around to putting it together. Then we went to visit baby's new daycare and they had some small bottles that baby loved so I thought I would finally get my act together and give this activity a go. It was brilliant! My child rarely holds still for more than 5 minutes, but he was very intrigued by these bottles and enjoyed playing with them while I made dinner.  Here's how you can do it too!  1. Gather supplies. For this activity, you'll need Bottles - I used 3 big bottles, 2 old juice bottles and 1 old soda bottle that I rescued from recycling, but you could use bottles of any size or shape. Just make sure they have a good lid that will stay on Fillings - I used uncooked pas

Babies Around the World

Since I’ve just started my blog on baby infographics, I thought it would be interesting to have a general look at baby birth statistics and facts from across the world. So here are some fun and interesting facts!  General Birth and Fertility Rates World-Wide Birth Rate : There are about 250 babies born every minute and more than 130 million born in a year according to The Guardian .  I think this is amazing! During those long nights where my baby would wake multiple times to feed I remember thinking I wonder how many other mamas are out there feeding their babies right now too? Well, I did some math to try to break it down. The UNICEF Data estimates that about 42% of women breastfeed (54.5 million of the babies are breastfed). A baby roughly feeds for about 30 minutes every 4 hours so 12.5% of the time . (Note: This number varies based on the age of the child. Feeding can be a lot more frequent and longer when the baby is younger and lot shorter and less frequent when th

Baby's Gone Fishing DIY Activity

Are you looking for a fun rainy day activity? We had a lot of fun 'going fishing' on a rainy day about a week ago! It's quick and easy to make and there are a couple different variations you can do depending on your child.  1. Gather supplies. For this activity, you'll need 1 paper towel roll 1 piece of yarn or string 1 baby link or magnet Tape Scissors 2. Attach the string to the paper towel roll. I did this by cutting a small hole into the paper towel roll, pushing the end of my piece of yarn through, knotting it and then taping it down. Just taping it down is probably sufficient, but you can send the yarn through and then knot it if you want a bit of extra security. 3. Attach the baby link or magnet to the other end of the string. I initially used a baby link as my 'hook' and attached a second baby link to toys for my little one to catch. However, one link will generally do the trick just fine. You can also use magnets and fish f

DIY Baby Bowling in Four Easy Steps

While I’m working on my next infographic (stay tuned!) I thought I’d do a post or two on some of the fun DIY activities we’ve been doing.  Lately, my baby is loving rolling balls and knocking over blocks. So I thought it would be fun to do some baby bowling where he can roll the ball and watch the ‘pins’ fall!  So here’s what I did to set up Baby Bowling in Four Easy Steps!  1. Gather supplies. You'll need 10 toilet paper rolls - I rescued these from our recycling but you could use paper towel rolls or big plastic bottles if you wanted something a little bigger  4 throw pillows - I used these to create the bowling lane but you could use shoe boxes, cardboard, furniture, really anything just to keep the ball in line with the pins! 1 ball that baby can roll Decorating supplies (optional) - this is just for fun! Your baby won’t mind either way   2. Decorate (optional) I wanted to make the ‘pins’ look a bit more like bowling pins so I did a little decorating! I

Tiny Toes at Ten Months

Ten Months! Where has the time gone? My little one no longer looks like a baby, but a toddler! So here I am counting toesies, playing this little piggy and joining in on ‘discovering’ things I’ve seen a thousand times with my little explorer. With little one being so active there are plenty of fun activities to be done around the house and outside!   (Just as a disclaimer I am definitely not an expert on babies. Every baby is different and enjoys different activities so if anything I mention doesn’t resonate for you and your little one just discard it :p)  What Baby Can Do  At ten months old your baby may be  Becoming more mobile - You baby may be pulling up on furniture, taking steps while holding on to the furniture, standing on their own or even walking on their own! On the other hand your baby may not be pulling up at all and instead may be crawling more consistently. According to KidsHealth , around this age babies get around in all kinds of ways. The important thing to


Welcome to Counting Toesies! Hope you enjoy the activities, infographics, and ideas you'll find in the posts below. Would love to hear from you or have your join in on the journey by hitting the subscribe button! Thanks for visiting and hope you enjoy. :)